Thursday, March 31, 2011

Next step in PC Interfacing...

Make: has a recent article entitles Hacked Kinect Used for "Ghost In The Shell"...  This is showing what I'm going to predict is the NEXT evolution of computer interfacing.  We have had the Nintendo Wii gaming console and it's likes for a few years now.  This last year the Kinect came to XBox 360 and since then the hardware hacking community has taken off like a SHOT out of a cannon with this technology interfacing it to all kinds of devices including their PC's.  Enough work has been done that rumors have circulated thru REDMOND that a version of the PC should be out soon as well.

「攻殻機動隊 S.A.C.」シリーズ 電脳空間システム from BMCL on Vimeo.

In the video and article an example is shown for the Celebration3D  re-release of "Ghost in the Shell; Stand Alone Complex Solid State Society."

Using the Kinect Sensors visitors are able to interact with virtual anime landscape in the Cyberspace system.  NO CONTROLS folk, YOU ARE THE GAME.

FireFox 4 and FireFox 4 for SMALL SCREEN!!!

Webmonkey has a great article entitled "Firefox Storms the small scren with New Firefox 4 for Android" as Firefox 4 has been RAMPING up the chatter over their MASSIVE overhaul of their Browser to FireFox 4, they now have released their browser for the SMALL screen.  With a Mobile APP for Android and Maemo phones.  It offers Sync and Desktop Tabs but some of the comments from users is that the Zooming still isn't working well yet.  I personally have been using Firefox Home on my IPhone that also offers the above features have have found this to be a GREAT advantage over the IE series of browsers.  Bookmark Syncing, History and Recent Tabs being accessible on my phone has made it very easy to pull up information at work or play while away from my home systems.

With Firefox 5 scheduled to be released later this year one can only wonder what the developers at Mozilla have planned NEXT.  Keep up the good work folks and let's keep pushing the boundaries of Brower Technology.

Also here is a great Video that shows some of the functions of  Firefox 4.

Google Chooses Kansas City, Kansas, as Broadband Mecca

Wow, big news yesterday from GOOGLE.  The LONG search is over for WHO will get Googles promised 1 gigabit per second internet connection.  Kansas City, Kansas!!  Ryan Singel of Wired writes, "There's no place like home" -- especially if live in Kansas City, Kansas.  You can read his entire article at here.

For those just tuning in to this.  Google several years back began a search for a CITY to house the FASTEST internet connections in the United States at the consumer level.  After several years of Votes and determining the FACTORS that Google would like to consider for the candidate city.  They have chosen!!  Kansas City, Kansas to recieve and internet connect roughly 100 times FASTER than a typical 10 Mbps cable connection.

Google stated that it will start putting in the fibre with help from vendors and utilities this year.  Service would roll out EARLY next year, price will be competitive with what people are currently paying for MUCH slower services.

This announcement comes at the same time as AT&T the nations largest DSL provider announced DATA CAPS to it's customers and would begin metering internet usage and charging overage FEES.  (Ed. As an AT&T customer, I'm OPTING OUT!  Their DSL and Uverse signal in my neck of the woods just plain sucks and why be beat up for using it when I'm paying for it.  So unfortunately I'll have to move to COX Cable in my area.)
At the same time as these announcements COX cable announced WIRELESS service in the Okalahoma City area.  With 49.00/mo plan and a unlimited Voice, Text and Data plan for 100.00/mo. 

It is assumed the Googles project will SPUR on ISP's to invest in FASTER connections and better technology.  Google has said it will also allow ISP's to offer using the fibre it lays, an arrangement knows as open access that's designed to create competiti8on and better service.

This all makes sense as FASTER connections, means more AD's Clicked and more searches.  As well as that new GOOGLE TV box we have been hearing word on means more streaming media.  The day of CAPS are more regulation are over.  American consumers want more SPEED and more BANG for their buck when it comes to internet connections and wireless connections.  Not more fee's and charges to get access to items that we already are using.  They guy that brings it to them FASTER, CHEAPER, CLEARER and MORE CONTENT will win in this exercise in capitalism.  Unfortunately it's a lesson that is taking some in corporate America some time to learn.  Taking a look at the Japanese and Korean Internet, Wireless and Cable Markets should have woken up these GIANTS but didn't.  So in comes GOOGLE, now maybe they will observe that the NET should be in the USA.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Amazon, Apple and Google all making run's at Music Lockers

Computer worlds piece by Gregg Keizer entitled, Amazon, Apple, Google play 'chicken' over cloud music lockers. Show's just how competitive control of the online music and storage industry is beginning to get.  He posting out that Amazon may have beat rivals google and apple to the punch Tuesday with it's Launch, however they appear perfectly happy to let amazon take the lead and the heat from the music industry and the legal battles that may ensue.

Quoting Aram Sinnreich, a media professor at Rutgers University, who says, "There was a game of chicken going on.  These are uncharted waters and really a gray area legally.  Personally, I think that the basic locker storage space should not require a license from the record labels, but they'll probably disagree."

Tuesdays release by Amazon of it's Cloud Drive, an online service that provides 5GB of free storage for music, video and other files.  After users upload their tunes they can stream the music to smart phones or to a broswer running Windows or Mac OS X. 

Amazon's release without permission form recording labels didn't set well with Sony Music.

Ed..  Personally I think the reason that the Music labels are hacked off, is that they themselves would like to be the ones storing and streaming your TUNES so you never REALLY obtain a FILE you own.  You just get to pay for it to STREAM to you.  There in costing you ISP data fee's for you Phone, Computer or TV.  This has LONG been the model that the Recording Industry as well as the Motion Picture industry has backed.  A PAY TO PLAY or VIEW concept.  

Not something this computer user would ever be interested in doing.  If I buy something I want to OWN IT. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

NASA control network vulnerable to hackers

In her article entitiled "NASA spaceship control network vulnerable to hackers" today on TGDaily. Emma Woollacott relieved that inspector general Paul Martin (Office of Inspector General) warned of the potential of a catastrophic hacking attack against NASA.  In his Report,  he warns 6 computer servers containing critical data and that are actually used to control spacecraft had vulnerabilities, that would allow a remote attacker to take control.  They report goes on also to state that they found network serves that revealed encryption keys, encrypted passwords, and user account information. 

What is the most shocking is that these issues were highlighted in Martin's last report, published last May.

NASA has responded that it will now make sure that, by September, internet-accessible comptuer on its mission networks are continually evaluated, and risks dealt with promptly.  It has promised to develop an agency-wide-risk assessment by the end of August.

Ed. - It is my opinion that more assessments and reports are NOT what are needed by NASA.  It's time to get the Network IT guys out and HARDEN your computer's that aren't protected properly.  As well as find a better method to store your critical data.  If they are truly committed to protecting this nations space agency from what would be the largest catastrophe associated with space and the internet.  Time to act is NOW not study further that which as already been relieved by 2 reports.

Monday, March 28, 2011

LA Times: Virtual War a Real Threat

In LA Times Ken Dilanian piece, Virtual War a Real Threat.  He runs down just how likely we are to have such an event.

As the nation struggles to HARDEN it's infrastructure from Virtual Attack by Cyber Armies sponsored by countries that may or may not be friends of the United States.  Threat report after threat report has been written with little being done to actually accomplish the protection that will be needed if such a war breaks out.  The article goes on to say that China has already laced the countries power grid with hidden malware that could produce a devastating effect.  Terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda have not yet reached the capability to mount such an attach but potential adversaries such as China and Russia, DO.  It is believed that organized crime and hacker groups could sell their services to these rogue states or terrorists however.

Ft. Meade, Md, now houses Cyber Command headed by General Keith Alexander, he also heads the NSA.  The spy agency charged with listening to communications and penetrating foreign computer networks.    Analysts say that the combined might of these agencies could wreak havoc on networks of countries that attack the United States.

In a recent interview Alexander stated that if a cyber war were conducted today, we would suffer tremendously as would our adversaries.  He went on to say his cyber warriors were legally only authorized to defend and protect military networks.

The Department of Homeland security is charged with helping secure the civilian infrastructure.  Many times it is left up to companies themselves and falls short.  The issue has become enough of an issue that the White House has promised Senate leaders that it will offer its own cyber-security legislation in a month.

In Recent testimony from CIA Director Leon E. Panetta told Congressional leaders he is worried about a cyber Pearl Harbor.

Avast 6.0 released, with new features. Best of all in FREE version.

Avast known for it virus protection software, and being an underdog compared to the likes of Norton and McAfee's has released version 6.0 of their software.  The company located in Prague, in the Check Republic released version 6.0 on FEB 23 and now is updating all FREE versions to the 6.0 product.  I've often felt this product has not gotten the coverage it really should.  In fact in a recent top 10 Virus protection list by PCWorld, they didn't even feature this product only the corporate BIG NAMES were in the list.  Which is a shame as it's detection and blocking rates are higher than Norton and McAfee's.  Against the other FREE Offerings out there.  NOTHING touches it.

The 6.0 product brings with it 2 new FREE Protection offerings:

1. AutoSandbox -  The first Automatic virtualization feature in a major antivirus package.
   AutoSandbox identifies suspicious applications and automatically prompts users to run them in a safe virtual environment.

2. WebRep - The first reputation guide for malware and website content incorporated into a free antivirus application.  The webRep interfaces directly with search engine results as well as integrates within your Browser to give you a Report on each website you are going.

The company said that the 6.0 version of the software offers a Leaner and Meaner product.  Which has long plagued the Norton and McAfee's software in their BLOATED approach to Virus protection.

I've long used several of the FREEWARE protection products in my own computer FIRM.  Avast has been one of the BEST I've found in years so I'll gladly endorse their new product.  As I USE IT.  The company now boasts 140 Million registered users as well as 120 million active users.

Festo - SMART Bird

Some developments in Robotics are too beautiful to miss.  Watch the two following videos to get a REAL feel for how close they guys are coming to replication of bird flight.  The robot bird project has been something that many in the Robotics Industry have been grasping for. The SmartBird project by the folks at FESTO seems to have brought us one step closer, to autonomous realistic bird flight.  As you will see in the videos below it's very realistic in it's mechanics.

As the technology grows and the source code grows more and more complex.  It leaves one wondering WHEN the Land and Perch on a Wire Code will be released.

Yahoo Opens Source Code for NON-Core Technologies

PCWorld is reporting this morning that Yahoo is planning to release some of it's, technologies including storage technologies to the open source community.  These are the systems that Yahoo built to help it handle lage numbers of users on its websites.  They established a working group on open source at Yahoo and will be evaluating technologies that could qualify to be released to open source. 

The release of the technology to the open source community helps Yahoo build recognition and technical brand with the community, and also develop relationships with universities and companies.

Over the years yahoo has been in decline against Giants such as Microsoft, and Google in the Search market as well as WEB Portals.  This move would be seen as trying to recapture some of it former stature.  I myself once used their Chatroom technology alot.  It would be interesting to see if they will open source that technology as well.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Google's NEW Group-Texting Web and IPhone App?

Googles latest mobile Launch offers a group texting service that allows on to mass-message one's friends from a mobile phone or Web interface. if the first service to offer mass texting from any phone with it's WEB interface was well as an APP for the Iphone. 

Norman Oklahoma Based TVN: Has videos up for NEW Dominator

TVN: Has posted some new video Clips of details for their new Tornado chase vehicle.  The Dominator 2 which will be featured in the Storm Chasers 2011 series which is filming now for the Discovery channel.  The team is based in Norman, Oklahoma and has made big news being able to place a vehicle for filming and measuring data from with in a tornado in the 2010 season of the show.  Reed Timmer the teams lead, reports that their plans are to place Dominator 1 outside the tornado to film Dominator 2 in the Tornado.

TVN Team Picks up the Dominator 2 Base Vehicle.  Click here.
Construction starts, Building Dominator 2 Part 1: Click Here

Rumor: Apple Delaying iOS 5 until Fall and IPhone 5 release date Slips

Techcruch is reporting that iOS 5 release date is slipping to this FALL.  The article also went on to comment on the reported release of new type of an IPAD.  Rumors also say that the new version of the iOS will be heavily dependent on cloud technology.  PCMag in their reporting of the same rumor, went on to say that they have been hearing that the likelihood of the IPhone 5 being released in JULY has now slipped to a September Launch as vendors and suppliers are still being lined up.  There has also been some speculation regarding the launch of iOS 5 being linked with the NEWER version of the IPAD.  Things at Apple are sure coming FAST and furious, with the Release of OS X Lion still on track for it's summer Release.  Stay tuned this is definitely the year for APPLE.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Apple Relpaces Samba for Windows Networking service

So some big news for NIX fans, seems the boys over at apple are planning on pulling something new for windows networking out.  According to Apple Insider: Apple to replace Samba for Windows Networking in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion  What will replace SAMBA?? That remains to be scene.  Possibly Open Directory.. Stay tuned I'm sure more news will be coming out as we get closer to Lion's release.

CNET: Hackers exploit chink in Web's Armor

Wow, more big News today on  CNET Privacy Inc: Hackers exploit chink in Web's armor this kind of state sponsored internet terrorism seems to be growing.  First we only heard about the Chinese doing it.  Then the N. Korean's, now the Iranians are doing it.  At what point does a cyber-strike from outside our borders become a reason to go to war?  It one's cyberspace SOVEREIGN soil in the eyes of the world or courts?  It's rather interesting that the US created this giant place and we don't have any way of protecting it or policing it?  I certainly don't have the answer's but sure do think it's long beyond time we started finding ways to PROTECT the infrastructure we have in the United States.  I'm all for FREEDOM on the Internet but not only for big governments or big business.  I do however think that the time has come to create a HARDENED NETWORK that isn't affected by the day to day virus attacks and hacker exploits.

Oh, and another thing?  Do you think they have the right to attack us back since it's been recently proven that the USA and Isreal were behind the virus that has now slowed their Nuclear ambitions?  So I guess you could say we poked them first and they poked back?  Just some thoughts.

Yeah!! Just opened it up

I Figured Time to start a TECH Blog.  I find so much stuff throughout my day that I want to share so figured what the heck.  Time to do JUST that.  So welcome to my BLOG.  I also am on Twitter depending on the day.  Many days you can find me with my select group of Chat Friends in  Drop me an email if you'd like and invite to come and hang out there.  So I'm not done with DRESSING this blog up stop back over the next few weeks I'm sure I'll have MUCH MORE window dressing and who knows how often I'll stop in several times a day I'm sure.