Wow, big news yesterday from GOOGLE. The LONG search is over for WHO will get Googles promised 1 gigabit per second internet connection. Kansas City, Kansas!! Ryan Singel of
Wired writes, "There's no place like home" -- especially if live in Kansas City, Kansas. You can read his entire article at
For those just tuning in to this. Google several years back began a search for a CITY to house the FASTEST internet connections in the United States at the consumer level. After several years of Votes and determining the FACTORS that Google would like to consider for the candidate city. They have chosen!! Kansas City, Kansas to recieve and internet connect roughly 100 times FASTER than a typical 10 Mbps cable connection.
Google stated that it will start putting in the fibre with help from vendors and utilities this year. Service would roll out EARLY next year, price will be competitive with what people are currently paying for MUCH slower services.
This announcement comes at the same time as AT&T the nations largest DSL provider announced DATA CAPS to it's customers and would begin metering internet usage and charging overage FEES.
(Ed. As an AT&T customer, I'm OPTING OUT! Their DSL and Uverse signal in my neck of the woods just plain sucks and why be beat up for using it when I'm paying for it. So unfortunately I'll have to move to COX Cable in my area.)
At the same time as these announcements COX cable announced WIRELESS service in the Okalahoma City area. With 49.00/mo plan and a unlimited Voice, Text and Data plan for 100.00/mo.
It is assumed the Googles project will SPUR on ISP's to invest in FASTER connections and better technology. Google has said it will also allow ISP's to offer using the fibre it lays, an arrangement knows as open access that's designed to create competiti8on and better service.
This all makes sense as FASTER connections, means more AD's Clicked and more searches. As well as that new GOOGLE TV box we have been hearing word on means more streaming media. The day of CAPS are more regulation are over. American consumers want more SPEED and more BANG for their buck when it comes to internet connections and wireless connections. Not more fee's and charges to get access to items that we already are using. They guy that brings it to them FASTER, CHEAPER, CLEARER and MORE CONTENT will win in this exercise in capitalism. Unfortunately it's a lesson that is taking some in corporate America some time to learn. Taking a look at the Japanese and Korean Internet, Wireless and Cable Markets should have woken up these GIANTS but didn't. So in comes GOOGLE, now maybe they will observe that the NET should be in the USA.